Past Event

May 16, 2020
International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 2020


Virtual Meeting


The Spring of 2020 continues our unprecedented modern times – the annual 2020 ISPOR meeting has changed from its Orlando, Florida location to online as a Virtual Meeting, but we will be there!

ISPOR is an organization that promotes health economics and outcomes research that evaluates the effect of health care interventions on patient well-being in terms of clinical, economic, and patient-reported outcomes. ISPOR facilitates the translation of this type of outcomes research into useful information for healthcare decision makers. The ISPOR membership is primarily a blend of professionals from research organizations, academic institutions, government agencies, health technology assessment groups, hospitals, and clinical practitioners from pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries.

Aventine delegates regularly attend ISPOR conferences as we find the annual North American-based international conference to be another great opportunity to connect with our current and prospective clients. Such relationship building streamlines our active projects and open doors for addressing emerging client needs. In addition, our participation in ISPOR ensures we are up-to-date with the most current modeling practices to support comparative effectiveness research (CER) needs within US and global value dossiers.

If you’d like to meet us in person, please send us an email to connect!


External Link

Events Archive

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